Thursday, 26 May 2016

Hamilton Bayfront

The other day my friend Chewy picked for a drive and took tour of the Bayfront. They have the coolest park with a giant boat in it!! These pictures are kinda 'meh', the sun was SO bright that I could barely see the screen for focus but I'm going to post them anyways!

 We saw a family of geese!!
 ~*Wildest Dreamz*~

Friday, 20 May 2016

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

This may be a bad idea since yesterday I got stalked from online to real life by some creepy dude BUT I wanted to do a walk through my hood. I was like "man, I want to do this walk but since I got stalked by this dude maybe its a bad idea" and Shilo said "Don't let men rule your life" So, fuck the patriarchy and please suppress the urge to stalk me. Instead, let me give you recommendations of places to visit. Please come say hi to me but don't creep me out online, and when I don't respond, find my business, come lurk around my shop, make me listen to your offensive comedy routine, and ask me out after creepy staring and the longest most uncomfortable silences ever. True Story.

Anyway, today was beautiful and after hearing 'Hamilton is gross' or that 'Hamilton is too far from Toronto' I decided to photograph my walks and take a deeper look at what to do in these areas of Hamilton. Hamilton is a 30-40 minute car ride or express bus away from Toronto. Much like Detroit it put all its steel eggs in one industrial basket and when the industry left, Hamilton didn't do so well. Now it's back on the up-swing as an artist's hub. Check it ooooout.

 I'll start with my 'hood, James Street North. I took a 10 min walk up and down my street and got some shots:


Knead Pizza is on my list of 'za's to try so tune into the blog for more pizza parties.

 Looking to my left you can see Barton Street. I do not recommend walking down there yet...

 Look at our majestic cathedral where they do Church and stuff...

 Academica has a plane inside that hangs from the ceiling. One day I'll get a photo for my blog. Beside it is New Old's.

Another vintage store you can riffle through after you come to mine, of course. 

Vantura's is a Portuguese restaurant that has a boat for a sign!

Now walk with me, take a look around between York and Barton. Art and architecture.

 The Brain is my fave bar. I'm there too much.

 The Good Son in Toronto is opening a restaurant in this pink building called Born and Raised.

You can buy flowers and vegetables and baked goods all over the street!

So these coming weeks I'll be checking out (with permission) some bars, restaurants, and stores on the street. Check back for my faves on James North!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Heather Dates in The Hammer: My Shitty Personality

In 2016 I think its okay for me to casually mention that I "get help". Everyone goes to therapy right? I have a lot of walls built up, like I assume a lot of people do. I've always considered myself a funny person but I have developed this habit of being crass as a tactic to test potential lovers. My counselor and I will be working further to break down these walls. Right now though, I'm enjoying the single life and I'm not super concerned about reeling in suitors. Just because I'm not attempting to lock someone down, doesn't mean I don't worry though. Looks fade, I'm 27, what happens when I get crow's feet and laugh lines and no one thinks its cute that I introduce myself to people I'm not interested in as Karla Hamoulka anymore?

My crass personality might be keeping me safe from serious suitors for now but what happens when I want to settle down? My friend told me a story about how her gorgeous friend used her vulgar humour and crazy personality in her 20's and everyone thought she was just wild and fun. Then turned 30 and all of a sudden her rude jokes were just a wall and 30-something people weren't as intrigued with her immature antics. Potential partners couldn't get close and she's had a series of crappy relationships due to what kind of person that behaviour attracts. This seems like an extreme, but it did make me think. My personality might be a bit more obnoxious when I'm at a bar drinking and meeting people but for the most part I'm the same person whether some one is hitting on me or not.

I read a story about this girl who pooped at a date's house and when it didn't flush she wrapped up her feces and she put it in her purse and tweeted her anxiety online. I thought that was the funniest story I had read all week. Now, it might just look like I'm some idiot laughing at poop jokes but I saw more to the story. The funniest part though, was her tweets about what she was thinking while making out with her date. He was telling her that she's the most amazing woman he'd ever met while she's hiding her own shit in her purse. I looked at the turd as a metaphor, we all have secrets when we are newly dating. Someone thinks that we are so amazing when really the turd in our purse could be $50,000 in student debt or severe daddy issues.

Why can't we just put ourselves out there instantly? This woman put the shit in her purse because she simply couldn't admit that she went to the bathroom and the toilet wouldn't flush. Why can't we all just tell people that we can't flush the toilet yet? The toilet may be broken but the plumber is on the way. "The right" someone is supposed to accept your good with your bad, right?

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Friday Night in the Hammer: Casino

Last night was art crawl and even though I had to work it I stole away to go see Ashley's show at Casino (176 Mary St).

When you walk in they have a giant shark above the stairs!

Portrait of the artist casually smoking a giant paper cigarette.

Casino is an art space that has work space, events, ect ect.


I really liked the turkey... Everyone was dancing all night when I left but they ran out of beer so I went to The Brain (a bar). I wish I got more pictures but a lot of the pictures I was taking weren't turning out! Def heading to Casino for their next show!