Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Spring Etsy Wish List

Vintage Edison Retro Light Bulbs by Prolific  
(I also found a website to build your own industrial lights called duckfat)

 Crane Coat by Purple Fishbowl

Adorable Pins by SouSous 

Hand painted headboards by Nod Australia

I've been super busy these past 2 weeks so I thought I'd show some etsy love to some shops I follow! Shine has a big announcement that I've been waiting months to announce and it looks like I can announce it tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Window Frame Display

 Shine Studios put together a cute little display for Unbridaled (ties and bow ties ect). I had antique windows with cracked glass that I didn't know what to do with so Shilo and I smashed the glass out and created this:

We attached Eye Bolts to the sides and a wire across:

 Attached a self leveling hanger to the back:

And voila! Easy wall display.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Spring Showers @ Shine

The other day at work I was bored and made a new window for Shine. I did it all with stuff from around the store. I used buffalo snow, fishing line, and construction paper. I only had a few hours before art crawl but I thought it was a decent job for not leaving the store for supplies! 


The window was a bit to shiny for photos but you get the gist. The clothing is from The Wandering Eye and the tote and jewelry is from Shine Studios.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Heather's Hamilton Hangouts - Locke Street

Today Shilo and I wandered around Locke Street and checked out some shops. There are some beautiful shops down there and I photographed my fave 2. 

The First is Pure Home Couture at 174 Locke Street. You enter a hall and walk up a staircase to a gorgeous open room. They sell soaps and candles and house wears.

Their space is amazing, and I am def wandering back to pick up a cup with a metallic gold lip mark.

 If there's any coffee junkies out there like me at the "top" of Locke street theres a coffee shop that I visited frequently last summer when I lived in the area called Johnny's that I recommend.

Last but def not least is Canoe on Locke at 233 Locke Street. I LOVE this store, I want to move in (or at least take all the things home). Shilo and I met store owner Tamara and she let me wander around taking photos of everything. I think I was taking a photo shopping list instead of blog photos.

 And this is the store pooch named Sam. He didn't stay still long enough for photos but I'm digging this one.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Heather's Hamilton Hangouts - Dundurn Castle

 I'm obsessed with the historical buildings around Hamilton. Above is Dundurn Castle on a cloudy day. I've been inside but its being restored so I'm excited to come back and see the restoration. I still wander around the grounds when I'm in need of a walk. This day I was scouting a possible location for a lookbook shoot for my shop in the spring.